
S h a n y S a y s, 14.
Wsss, 2G.
❒Single ✔Taken ❒Waiting.
I've got a attitude,which people can't take it.

- I'm not an expert at relationships, i dont know how to handle every fight we're going to have, and i will never be a perfect person. We're both still young, and we still have a lot more to learn. But i'm willing to take chances, to risk it all, and learn everything there is to know just so i can keep us together, I wont give up on you. I PROMISE. <:
Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, June 25, 2010

I'm back from camp.

* I'll do short post. Cause i'm going t do two post today. Sorry if i've forget the programms.

23rd June :
Woke up morning , prepared. Went to find calista.
Breakfast with her & co.
Then to school, after breakfast.
Briefing, then collect Alumni tee.
Lunch, then off we go t Labrador campsite.
Reached , camp briefing.
Girls went to get their rooms, for sleeping.
While boys sleep in the hall.
After getting the room, had activites.
High Elments, but sadly. It rained.
So can't played.
Did cheer instead, while waiting for the rain to stop.
So, the rain did stop.
But only for awhile.
But , succesfully. The rain stopped & let some of them t play the HIGH-E.
After HIGH-E , Dinner.
After dinner, briefing for the kids.
Then th kids went t bath after briefing.
Lights off after they bathe.
Alumnis, went for briefing.
24thJune :
Didn't sleep for first night, ton all th way.
Thanks meina, johnson, vernon, ct & chaisim for ton'ing also :D
So , morning woke up call th girls, went toilet, usual stuff.
Then went in room slack awhile, then off to wake up th kids :D
Woke them up, some went t bath. Some went to brush teeth only.
Then , gathered them, went to canteen for breakfast.
The stupid breakfast delayed for 1 hour !
& that cause th delation of our NE trails.
So, breakfast came.
Ate, briefing for NE trails then off we go t labrador park.
Briefing on the Amazing Race.
Then th game started.
Omg, i swear. It's tiring & i wore fbt there , t feed the mosquito ! Wth lor -.-
Started @ 9.30a.m, for the game.
End @ 11a.m , we're th 2nd team manzxc !
Hahas !
Then rest , while waiting for others to finish.
All finish le, went back campsite for lunch.
After lunch, had teambuilding games.
Teambuilding games was bored -.-
After that , we ended early for teambuilding gams, had free time , went room sleeep xP
Lolz , then woke up , went for dinner.
After dinner, sent th girls to th room, while I & partner bring th boys up t th hall t get their reflection book & stationaries to th girls' room for reflection.
After reflection was lights off.
Kids slept.
While we go bbq & briefing.
Ofc , I EMO. For some reasons.
Didn't have th mood t bbq.
So , emo there. Cannot tahan, want cry liao. Walk back room, reach room liao cannot cry.
Then blast my phones' songs thru earpiece.
Meina came t find me, then i went back bbq area w her.
Emo again. Then actually want ton one more night de, but never.
Then before sleep, got one scary thing happen.
Dnt wish to say.
Then discuss liaos , Chaisim'Chairman of th Alumni & Kamho'V-chair of th Alumni settle th problem liao , jiu go sleep lor.
25thJune :
Woke up dk what time, & also dk how I wake up de.
Maybe the girls' alarm bahz.
Hahas , then woke up , toilet & stuff.
Briefing, Breakfast. Then off for th area cleaning.
Back t school after area cleaning.
Then, had briefing for th Alumni.
Then went off ALONE after th briefing.

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