
S h a n y S a y s, 14.
Wsss, 2G.
❒Single ✔Taken ❒Waiting.
I've got a attitude,which people can't take it.

- I'm not an expert at relationships, i dont know how to handle every fight we're going to have, and i will never be a perfect person. We're both still young, and we still have a lot more to learn. But i'm willing to take chances, to risk it all, and learn everything there is to know just so i can keep us together, I wont give up on you. I PROMISE. <:
Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Sweeeeeeeeeeeet siaaaa!

Credits @

Hihi! Back posting :D Didn't post yesterday as i couldn't get into blogger. Schl as usual. Met wanee, before going t school. Walked t school, sign in. Assembly->English->PE->Science-> Recess-> Math-> Social Studies -> Cpa -> GreenridgeBubbleTea -> Home. Went up t th hall. National anthem. & we had Shanghai people came out schl for morning post. & had briefing on th next wed. 11th August, YOG torch coming in out school. So we had, briefing on it. Sadly, Sec 1G & 1H going marina barrage(SPNT) on that day. So we couldn't attend th YOG thingy. Everyone f' sad cause we cannot attend th YOH torch thingy. &, we could bring phone & use openly on that day! But, we've t go for th SPNT. There's free coke toooo! :D After briefing, went back t class for english lesson. English lesson was fine, so does PE & Math lesson. :D PE had 2.4km run. Science, was sort of fine, didn't really remember anything. Recess with, Wanee, Stephaine & Jiahui. Math, FUN ! The stupid craig, keep on make th fucking sound. LOLOLOLOLOL. SocialStudies, CLASS SUPER NOISY ! But fun la, me & wanee laugh like crazy. :D Cpa, t'cher , made us go home let. He let us go @ 230. -.- After cpa, went t general office, cause wanee need sign out. After sign out, went greenridge. Bought bubble tea, reached home. On comp, facebook awhile. & here i am, posting. & ! Read th chat below, SUPER FUCKIGN SWEEET ! :D

Girl: I'm always here for you
Boy: I know
Girl: What's wrong?
Boy: I like her so much
Girl: Talk to her
Boy: I don't know. She won't ever like me
Girl: Don't say that. You're amazing.
Boy: I just want her to know how I feel.
Girl: Then tell her.
Boy: She won't like me
Girl: How do you know that?
Boy: I can just tell.
Girl: Well just tell her.
Boy: What should I say
Girl: Tell her how much you like her
Boy: I tell her that daily.
Girl: what do you mean?
Boy: I'm always with her. I love her.
Girl: I know how you feel. I have the same problem. But he'll never like me
Boy: Wait. Who do you like?
Girl: Oh some boy
Boy: Oh... she won't like me either.
Girl: She does
Boy: How do you know..
Girl: Because, who wouldn't like you?
Boy: You
Girl: You're wrong, I love you
Boy: I love you too.
Girl: So are you going to talk to her?
Boy: I just did.
& here's a super long post.
Gna post again later, if i've got th mood. :D
Going off now, t help wanee find a nice blogskin! (L)

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