
S h a n y S a y s, 14.
Wsss, 2G.
❒Single ✔Taken ❒Waiting.
I've got a attitude,which people can't take it.

- I'm not an expert at relationships, i dont know how to handle every fight we're going to have, and i will never be a perfect person. We're both still young, and we still have a lot more to learn. But i'm willing to take chances, to risk it all, and learn everything there is to know just so i can keep us together, I wont give up on you. I PROMISE. <:
Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, October 15, 2010

爱你爱的好辛苦.. :'D

Alright, i'm back again. Woke up in the morning, not even a single msg.. So, wash up. Met wanee & went to school for exam. Last exam, which is cpa. I dont know where the fcuking margin. & that's the first question, i jiu anyhow do le. -.- 1hr, Finish still have to be detained for another half an hour plus. == T'cher brought us to study rm 2, which is got air-con one, i shivered-.- Dismissal, went home straight, on comp. Bathe, audi for a few rounds, then off i go to doris's house. Went for slacking with her & also meet up with xiaopoker. Went her house, slack. Audi, & cooked lunch together. Ate, & enjoyed my lunch with her. :D Thanks Doris!

- Went out at idk what time. Slack around gangsa/pending? I think, i dont know how spell. Anyw, met up with xiaopoker. Thanks for the day. :'D Even though, there's sad stuffs happen. & thanks for your entertainment! :'D Haha.. Thanks for everything you did today, make me feel so tired.. &, sorry for making you lonely. :/ Didn't mean it. While i'm posting, you're having tution, i think. x:

Haha, shock to see your name so big eh? Hahah.. Thanks for th day alright. Make you so quiet today, me myself so hyper just now. x: Thanks for making me laugh ( If you did. ) Thanks for the concern you had on me just now. ( If you did. ) &, sorry for my fcuking attitude just now. I replied you in the guailan way. Seriously, sorry. D: Lastly, thanks for pei'ing me! Iloveyou alot! Pray hard that i'll make it for tmrw, xavier's birthday party. :'D

- For, YOU.
I'm not sure you'll get to read it or not. Anyw, Thanks for th day, poking me. Entertaining me. :'D I wont forget it, i'll miss everything for sure, no worries. I'll go there another day. To the place we slack, the memories we made together, thanks! ♥ Haha.. I'm not sure after today, i'll get to msg you again or not. I'm not sure.. While posting this, tears going to drop already ! Hahaha.. :'D Lastlong with your girl kay, wo zhi dao ni ke yi de. :'D Maybeeee, this gna be the last time your name / stuffs appear at my blog.. I'm changing url soon. Goodluck, takecare, lastlong! ♥ :'D

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