
S h a n y S a y s, 14.
Wsss, 2G.
❒Single ✔Taken ❒Waiting.
I've got a attitude,which people can't take it.

- I'm not an expert at relationships, i dont know how to handle every fight we're going to have, and i will never be a perfect person. We're both still young, and we still have a lot more to learn. But i'm willing to take chances, to risk it all, and learn everything there is to know just so i can keep us together, I wont give up on you. I PROMISE. <:
Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, February 22, 2010

Aku , Me , I , ShanyLimShanYing missing ahcute ttm !♥

"When you are in Love you can't fall asleep because reality is better than your dreams."
I'm bored D:
I'm missing somebody like fcuk de can.
I want your sms !
I want you online D:
I want you D:
Ahhs. I'm crazy over him ):
Help me get over it?
I'm gonna do a 3 days post ! :D
ClapsClaps ! Hahas.

20.02.2010 : Saturday .
Woke up in th morning @ 7.30 .
went t prepare & etc.
Went back t primary school for scouts w calista .
Went for one hour only ><><>< Doris never play. Then went t farm mart t do fish spa , did it for one hour plus . Shiok lorhs th fish :D Go bite my leg . Hahas , you all should go try :D After fish spa, went t walk around. After that, went t causeway. Hhas. Took neoprints & went off. Went t plaza slack. Slack awhile, then go home lerhs. Long day. Will post pictures ASAP cause all my pictures are @ doris's cameraaa. :D

21.02.2010 : Sunday. Woke up at 1plus , in th afternoon , dk why so late. Maybe yesterday shop till tired bahhs>< Went t brush up & etc. Then go on tv lerhs . Then go changechange , chaneg liaos , went down buy lunch for mummy & myself. Used th comp till night. Then go bathe. Bathe le , go iron my uniform , then slack at my room , listening t songs. soo , doze off w my songs on-ed.

22.02.2010 : Monday. Wake up in th morning , 7o'clock as school starts late @ every monday. Went up t class room. Talktalk , playplay. wait t'cher come. Then Pledge taking. after that , settle down, had chinese common test for today. Weihong like ultra man norhs>< So fast finish . Then wanee also . Neverminds , i sabo dominic , tell 'cher he bully me x: ! Hahas So , went home w Patrick , Cheryl & joey. Reached home , on comp & here i am . Posting :D Long post. Pikturee will post ASAP. Cause all th pikturee at doris's camera. Ohyeh. Maybe going JAKARTA luhrs. On the march holiday. Seee can anot first :D BYE !
Okieh , some of my post are gone , i'm tired editing it again. If my post go no-links , just ignore. I will edit it ASAP , thanks :D

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