
S h a n y S a y s, 14.
Wsss, 2G.
❒Single ✔Taken ❒Waiting.
I've got a attitude,which people can't take it.

- I'm not an expert at relationships, i dont know how to handle every fight we're going to have, and i will never be a perfect person. We're both still young, and we still have a lot more to learn. But i'm willing to take chances, to risk it all, and learn everything there is to know just so i can keep us together, I wont give up on you. I PROMISE. <:
Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, May 30, 2010

201005151948,iluvyou <:

"The hardest to do is waking up without you."
I'm gonna have a proper post now. <:
So yeahs .
Currently having Scouts June Holiday camp , at primary school .
It's second day , so yeah.
& , look at the time now. It's 0405a.m , it's morning .
& , i'm not sleeping !
Everybody sleeping like pigs.
& , i couldn't sleep !
Alrights , i'll start off from day one uhs .

Day one :
Report primary school @ 7.30++ a.m .
Had some briefing before starting the whole camp.
After briefing , we started the camp.
Lunch , went out t buy for them. Everyone :D
Then had the lunch.
Activities again , then dinner.
Dinner went out t buy again! Hha.
Had our dinner, rest & played night war.
Night war , bathe.
& off i go t ton w Weihong, Tricia, Ben, Jiahui&Eileen.
They came fetch me , then off we go t ben's house :D
Ton at ben's house.
Watched dvd.
Never sleep whole night.
Slept for a few minutes only :D
Morning woke up. Prepared breakfast for them , then off i go back for camp.

Day Two :
Came back from ben's house then went for activities preparation.
After preparation , think what t have for lunch.
Told teacher , & teacher went t buy.
Lunch had HokkienMee :D
After lunch.
Had normal activities.
Well they having activities , i need t think what t have for dinner later on.
& we decided t have ChickenCutletRice, but too ex.
We changed t ChickenWingRice. :D
After dinner , had " CAMPFIRE " night :D
It's so boring.
After " CAMPFIRE " night , had night war again.
This time round , i never play.
So emo'ed inside the hall & sms him :P
Well , had some quarrel while sms'ing.
But now , everything's fine :D
& , after nightwar , bathe.
& here i am , posting :D
Alright , i would post the third day also !

Day three :
Never sleep the whole night , so . Woke others up. Wash up , went for morning pt.
& had morning breakfast.
After breakfast.
Had , telematch.
After telematch , will be prize presentation.
& it'll be camp break !

& , i'll end w a message for my luv. :D !

Hubby's :
Boy ah ! The posting part of mine you wrote for me got alot sorry hor ! You good nor , so many sorry ! Well , I know you dont meant it. I wont say anything . It's not me who dont want come out find you . It's that I can't come out. My teacher went out t find you . I called you. You scolded me, I dont mind. Seriously , you dont need say sorry on this. This ain't your fault. It's my fault.&, for th jealous things i just now sms you der , is playplay. Cause i'm just way too boliao.. So i started this. I said , i'm a " ... " t everyone. I'm not your luck charm. You said , i lighten up your day when i'm w you. & uh, stop saying you're a fcuked up stead alrights ! Tell you frankly , you're not :D I want you cheerup now , i dont want you emo. I dont want you smoke whenever you emo. As tricia said , Couples bond feelings thru quarrel. I dont want quarrel w you. I really hate quarrelings. But it seems like it's " FATED " t quarrel. But everytime after a quarrel , it'll be fine. I really dont want anything happen t you. I promise you , i wont say i want t die those stuff. I promise you alrights ? (:Cheerup k ! I dont want you sad anymore, i dont want you emo anymore.&, Dont keeep on say sorry uh!" A word of sorry can solve things "But sometimes , you keep on say sorry. You'll get fed up :D :DSooo , dont keep on say sorry uh ! :DWell , it's long enough for you t read luhs :DReply me thru anything you want k :DI'll wait for your replies k :D
Ilyt :D !♥

Reply tags :
1Genius -> Link alrd ! :D
xiiaohong luvs u -> Thnks :D
Xinzi. -> Hey xinzi !
Eileen -> Ok, link you up asap :D
xiiaohong luvs u -> Thnks :D

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