
S h a n y S a y s, 14.
Wsss, 2G.
❒Single ✔Taken ❒Waiting.
I've got a attitude,which people can't take it.

- I'm not an expert at relationships, i dont know how to handle every fight we're going to have, and i will never be a perfect person. We're both still young, and we still have a lot more to learn. But i'm willing to take chances, to risk it all, and learn everything there is to know just so i can keep us together, I wont give up on you. I PROMISE. <:
Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Saturday, August 7, 2010

4 days no schl! ):

Hihi, i'm back posting again. Currently chatting w Edwina, on phone :D So , woke up around 12 noon. washed up. on comp. facebook all th way, & blogshopped tooo! Edwina & me bought a metal frame wallet, th bling series. She bought light bue & i bought red colour(:
Gna collect it sooon~ I can't wait for my new wallet! YAYAYAY ! (Y) Hahahaha. it's 5 plus now. Waiting for my mommy t come back, bathe then go out t Cck Ite t have our dinner (: Alright, today's a short post. Gna end now, bai ! <:

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