
S h a n y S a y s, 14.
Wsss, 2G.
❒Single ✔Taken ❒Waiting.
I've got a attitude,which people can't take it.

- I'm not an expert at relationships, i dont know how to handle every fight we're going to have, and i will never be a perfect person. We're both still young, and we still have a lot more to learn. But i'm willing to take chances, to risk it all, and learn everything there is to know just so i can keep us together, I wont give up on you. I PROMISE. <:
Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, August 8, 2010

CausewayPoint, LotOne & Jelapang, w Edwina.Teng<:

Hihi, once again. I'm back posting<: Just came back from 528 slacking. I saw one black colour bitch<: So, went out @ 12 plus. Went t shop&save t get money. Then trained down t causeway, went power9 t buy stuff. After that, went off t eat our lunch! walked th whole level, didn't manage t find anything t eat. So, went t kfc eat<: After eating, went t collect stuffs from power9. Then went off t find my domokun keychain, but didn't manage t get one ): Edwina say there's one selling @ lot one, then trained down t lotone. But didn't manage t get it, as it only can put on bags but not handphone ): So, neverminds. Went t library find LowKayHwa's books, but its on loan ): Neverminds lo, went t buy drinks.( I've got photo ! ) Then went t buy curry eat :P Hahahahaha, then eat finish already, went up t arcade, took neoprints. decorate it, then we left ! Train back t Jelapang, went greenridge t buy bubble tea. Went over t 528 slack(: Saw JinJie&co. & one black bitch came afterwards! Hahahaha, she dnt dare come over sia, omg. Then edwina go find her, talktalk. Then we go off le, she then dare come sit. So, went off. Then sent edwina near her house then, then i went home le. So, on comp, washed leg. & here i am, posting alrdy (: now waiting for mother t cook dinner <: I've got photos today ! It's like finally only~ Hahaha, Enjoy k. & i know th pictures doesn't looks nice or pretty, so i dnt need you guy's comment(s) <:

&, bitch. This is for you.
HiHi^^, bitch. Ohyea, stop copying Shayne la, i know her drawings nice. You dnt have t copy mah, even if you want draw, also must ask for her permisson what. What for be a dog, go around copying people's drawing? &, act one chio/cute infront of th boys? ohplease, you're nothing better k. I know la, I shouldn't say you, I'm nothing better tooo<: It's just that, i couldn't tolerate your bloody attitude infront of us. Copy people, dnt want admit. Such a dog. Or rather, i should say. No life. No originalty. & make us hate you. Acting one innocent infront of us. Acting one guai.-.- First few weeks of schl, you're like a timid rat, scare of dm. hahaha, it only past 8months only leh. 8months only jiu act one not scared of dm? hahaha, such a joke. -.-
I think that's long enough for you? I dnt want dirty my blog anymore.
You want play right? Me & Shayne will play w you<:

Alright, people. This post long enough uh! So bai! <:

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