
S h a n y S a y s, 14.
Wsss, 2G.
❒Single ✔Taken ❒Waiting.
I've got a attitude,which people can't take it.

- I'm not an expert at relationships, i dont know how to handle every fight we're going to have, and i will never be a perfect person. We're both still young, and we still have a lot more to learn. But i'm willing to take chances, to risk it all, and learn everything there is to know just so i can keep us together, I wont give up on you. I PROMISE. <:
Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

I get to cry for all i want when i'm swimming, 'cause no one would realise me crying. :'D


Hi? I'm back again! :D Hahahaha, ok. Everything went on fine, till i finish my swimming! Bid'Goodbye with my girlfriend! :D After that, walk back home with Shimin. Walk half way, almost faint. Heng never! If not i really dnt know how! Nothing to post. D: I'll update it with a story bahhh!

There was this couple. They had their problems. They fought. She was mean, and he was meaner. But they loved each other deeply.

One day, they fought again. Only this time, it didn’t get better. All they could think of is how it is finally going to be the last straw. They hung on for a little bit longer. Just to keep love alive, but it wasn't enough. Finally, she told him it was over. he was in shock. He could not believe it. He could not believe after all this time, the inevitable has happened. He was so deeply in love that he was blinded by it. He could not accept it for never in his right mind would he had thought that it would be over between the two of them. After all, they had been fighting but still ended up together for three years.

So days went by. They didn’t talk much to each other at all. Then after a week of barley talking. She went to his house. His heart hit his throat. he had so many butterflies in his stomach he thought he was gonna throw up. He didn’t know what to say. She just came in, put her stuff down and they went to his bedroom.

She asked "how are you?"
and he simply replied "I''m Okay"
They sat there with neither of them saying a single word.
Then, they looked at each other.
His eyes started to swell and tears started to fill his eyes.
She looked back with the same expression.
Then it happened.
She opened her mouth and simply said "I miss you so much".
He didn’t know what to say. His mind drew a blank. Then words came back to him. He looked at her back and replied with a "I miss you so much".
They both started crying and he goes to hold her. She didn’t resist.

After that afternoon together, she left. Later, he went on his computer to see if she was online. She wasn't. He continued waiting but hours went by and she still didn’t come online. He waited as long as he could before going to bed. The next day was not as good as the previous as she emailed him saying "Hi, yesterday was great but you know it doesn't change anything. I still don’t want to be with you, and I don’t know if I can see you anymore. I want to move on with my life."
It was like someone just hit him right in the head with a pipe. He was in a shock again. Confused and upset, all he could think of was "Did I do something wrong?"

Days went by as if time has slowed down. Once again, he didn’t see her for a couple of days. Then out of the blue, she called. he picked it up on the first ring once he saw her name on the caller id. They talked and she asked how was he and he asked how was school going. At the end of it, she said she had to go and that she will talk to him later online before hanging up. However, there were things he didn’t say, wanted to say and needed to say. He figured that he will just tell her later. Hence, he went online later on that night and she was online! He started talking to her immediately. The conversation was good until she told him how she felt about not loving him anymore and wanting a new life.

Once again, it felt like he was hit on the head with a pipe. All that went through his head was "This can't be... I love her"
As much as he said it, it was happening. She ended the call by telling him she had homework to do and had to shower.

Another week went by and they didn’t see each other. Until fate stepped in again. She came over to his place. He was happy that she did because he was not having a very good day and he knew if he saw her his day would be so much better. She went right into his place and they went right into his room. They talked and watched TV and she was being very close to him. However, in his mind he was telling himself. "This isn’t real, it will just happen like last time."

After a while of just laying in bed together, they started to kiss. When his lips touched hers, he became like a feather, floating in the wind. All his sadness and anger went away in a instant. They made love that afternoon. And that would be the last time they saw each other in a friendly manner. After time. they started to fight. A lot. Just pure hatred with one another. It was not good. And it didn’t look like it was getting better any time soon. He thought to himself. "If she hates me so much, why be here."
So he started to plan to go away. Anywhere he thought as it did not matter. So he got all his stuff for his trip. Just then, she started talking to him. He was still furious but they talked in a civil manner. He thought it was finally getting better. And it was. Despite that, he wasn’t going to tell her he is leaving as he wanted this to end on a high note. He simply said to her "Goodbye, I will be seeing you".

The next day, he left for his trip. Days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months. Then on one sunny afternoon, she got a call to her house.
"Hi is she there"
"Yes this is her"
"Hello Miss, this is the police. We regret to inform you that an accident has happened"
"What kind of accident?"
"Your friend died. He was hit by a truck head on.. He died instantly"
At this point, she dropped the phone. She was in total hysteria. She couldn’t
control herself but she had to calm herself down and pick up the phone again.
"What? How? Where?"
"He was traveling down the highway went a sleeping driver from the opposite lane crossed the highway and hit him head on. He never saw it coming. I'm so sorry"
"Does his parents know yet?"
"No, you were the first on his list of people to call in case of a emergency"
"Oh I see."

She couldn’t believe it. She could not believe he was gone forever. She never got to say a real goodbye. She never got to tell him how she felt. At the same time she felt anger. Hence, she asked,

"Well why didn’t you do anything for him?"
"Ma'am, there was nothing we could do. We tried the best we could but there was nothing we could do. We are sorry"
By now, tears are falling down her face like a waterfall. Everything the policeman said on the phone went into a blur. Then he yells,
"Ma'am are you still there?"
"Yes I am, sorry. What is it?"
"Well we found something on him. Its a letter. Its written to you"
"Oh. What does it say?"
"Ma'am are you sure you want to hear it? We understand that you are in a delicate state right now. Maybe it would be in your best interes to read it at another time?"
"Please just read it to me"
"Ok Ma'am, this is what it says."
As he gets his voice together, she can tell that he is a little upset himself. Hence, she can only imagine what the letter says and puts the phone tighter to her ear.

"My dearest love,
I don’t know how this happened between us. I just wish we could have been together forever just like your favorite movie. However, it did not work out and I know why. I never said what I wanted to say to you. I never told you how much you meant to me, how much I really loved you and how you made my world complete. I did not tell you I was leaving. I know it was stupid of me. I just figured that you would not of cared anyway. Therefore, I left. I could not accept us not being together but I wanted you to be happy. so I let you move on with your life. I figured that it would be easy this way, as in time you would forget about me although I never would have. I loved you too much and I always will. I probably won't give this letter to you either. I just want to give you your wish. Forget about me. I just hope someday a man will love you as much as I did and I wish you can make him as happy as you made me everyday. I love you forever and ever baby. I will miss you. I will think about you. I just wish I told you how I really felt and told you that all the times we fought, I was in the wrong and very sorry from the bottom of my heart."

That was the end of it. Now she is in total hysteria. She is shaking so bad that she can not even hold on to the phone. All she was thinking about washow she never told him the same and how she never get the chance to tell him how she felt. The officer went on to say something else.
"Ma'am are you still there?"
"Yes im here. Was that all of it?"
"Yes that was all. Once again I'm truly sorry. He really loved you I guess?"
"Yes he did, and I never accepted it. I truly loved him too"
"This hurts a lot I know Ma'am, but remember he would not want you to mourn. He wants you to be happy"
"Yeah well that’s a little hard as I won't be happy without him. I will never be able to tell him I love him more than words can speak"
"Yes I know that is tough. The best thing you can do is just love him even though he isn’t here. Rmember he will always love you, even now"
"Yes thank you"
"Well I have to call his parents and tell them know, are you going to be ok?"
"I will be fine, thank you for telling me know and reading the note to me"
"You are welcome. Goodbye"

After it all, she could not be happy ever again. She never told him how she ever felt in the past and has lost her opportunity. So she spent the rest of her life, never really being herself anymore. She visited his grave everyday for an hour. Just to have that feeling he is still there. Some days she felt his warmth on her. and she knew that he was there with her. After years went past, she died and her last wish was to be buried to the only man she ever loved cause that way they will be together again.

Lying doesn't give you any benefits,
if you wanna continue lie, go ahead then.
Lie for all you want.
I'm not gna care you anymore.
It's over between us.
Thanks for the memories, thanks for the love.
ALWS, Iloveyou.

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