School per'normal today. Went home straight, bathed and prepare. Went out fajar to meet Doris. Bus down bpp, then bus down westmall, alight at the wrong bus'stop. Walked over to westmall instead. Bought tickets for 3D, tongyan. It's fricking ex! :@ It's 14$ per ticket. -'- Bought ticket, went off to food'court to eat. After that, went to walkwalk, did some kind of keychain, i got the photo! Gna upload later. (: Stayed there to design that keychain for very long, cause cant even write the words/numbers properly! ;wild &, the aunty over there is fcking guailan only. -.-'' Went down to basement, saw old chang kee! We decided to smuggle outside food in the cinema! :b Hahaha, bought 3 things in! OldChangKee's ChickenWing, BubbleTea & prawn crackers! :b Hahaha, bought, went up arcade. Saw someone's ex boyfriend with he's new girlfriend, cool eh? After break so fast got new girl?
Doris said this, " Hongster never die, Tiongxim is a lie. :D " Saw arsyad & apiz at arcade also(Y) Went out of arcade after we saw that hongster._.' Went over to cinema, went in the room, toilet before going in! (Y) Hahahahah, success on smuggling in our food! :b Pro ehhhh~ Heheheheh! :P Collect our 3d spec._. Went in, crazy over there. 3 xdd laugh like madd. Hahahahha. The movie shiok only! If only someone went with me. ): Too bad, he can't. ): Doris told me that, she cried ! HAHAHHA. (Y) Didn't sit beside her cause i dont feel any air'con. Sit beside my seat as there's no body beside me! (Y) Hahahaha. Ending sucks! (N) Hahahah, i want go watch again with (insertname) & doris again! :b Kakakakazxc, i wonder, when will he be freeee. ): After movie, went toilet again. Doris went to have her dinner at oldchangkee. NasiLemak. (Y) Hahaha, i didn't eat. After eating, walkwalk. Then wanted to walk to bus'stop. But we lost our way. ): Actually walk correct de lo! But then the doris make me walk one whole round! Merri-go-round somemore! ;wild ! Finally found the bus'stop. Missed 2 bus, -'- ! Waited for fricking long! 1st bus, alot people. 2nd bus, board it, cause not really many people. Bused back bpplaza, took 920 back home. On comp, facebook & here i am! :D K, long post for th day, gna end with some over'due photos! BYEEEEE!
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