
S h a n y S a y s, 14.
Wsss, 2G.
❒Single ✔Taken ❒Waiting.
I've got a attitude,which people can't take it.

- I'm not an expert at relationships, i dont know how to handle every fight we're going to have, and i will never be a perfect person. We're both still young, and we still have a lot more to learn. But i'm willing to take chances, to risk it all, and learn everything there is to know just so i can keep us together, I wont give up on you. I PROMISE. <:
Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, October 10, 2010

It's 10'Oct'2010 today..

There’ll always be that first true love. The one that never really worked out but you kept your hopes up too much. The one who got away. The one who taught you all you need to know about love. And the one that until now, is still the one you look back to whenever you try to love again. :’D

1. Are you single or attached?
2. Do you have a person you like?
Yup! :D
3. What is the name of the person that you're in love with?
Start with ' a ' ? O:
4. If the person you love & your mum dropped into the sea, who will you save?
Er, both?
5. Have you ever hugged someone before?
6. Do you love your parents?
7. Will you hug the one you love?
Of cause, why not..
8. Are you willing to do anything for your bf/gf?
Depends, but mostly yes.
9. Do you get jealous easily?
Yes, Jealous Kills in me. :'D
10. Who is the last person thats messaged you?
18. If the one you are in love with, held your hand. wat will you do?
Super happy?
19. If the one you love, reject you, what will you do?
Hhaha, sad.
20. What is your favourite cartoon characters?
Baby'Piglet, Baby'Pooh & Teletubies. :D
21. Friendship or love?
Both, its important?
22. Cookie Monster or Elmo?
23. Are you using a laptop or computer?
24. Do you like lollipop?
Yea, last time. :D
25. Do you have a diary?
Blogger consider one?
26. There's an admirer of yours & she/he wont give up, what will you do?
I dont know? O: , call him give up?
27. If you quarrel with your bf/gf and he/she wants to break, what will you do?
Since, there's fate for us to be together, try talking things out nicely..
28. Are you blur?
29. If you can have your hair dyed, what colour do you want it to be?
Brown? DarkBrown?
30. Who is the last person you chatted in msn?
Doris !
31. How many guys/girls have you beaten before?
Erm, slap consider? Alot sia. ><
32. If your bf/gf dont love you anymore, what will you do?
If the loves fade, cannot be blame :D
33. What would you do if your parents plan to marry you off to another person you don love besides the person you love?
Hahahah, i'll be the run away bride on that day. :P
34. Is there someone you had wait forever for?
Yesyes, since, 15th'August. :D
35. Do you ignore ppl when you are mad or upset with them?
Yea, i'll only ignore the one who made me mad/upset.
36. Is it hard to make you smile?
Not sure?
37. Are you starting to realise something?
Realise what thing? O:
38. Do you feel like there is something missing in your life?
39. Do you often feel like you are becoming someone you dont want to be?
Yeah, sometimes.
40. Do you think relationships are hard?
Yesyes! Damn fcking hard. :D
41. Is there someone that you believe you will always be attached to?
Maybe in future? O:
42. Would you ever take someone back if they cheated on you?
Nope, i'll forget that bloody person who cheat on me.
43. What was the last thing you laugh really hard at?
Friends talking horneh stuffs in class makes me laugh like one mad girl.
45. Do you like to know the truth, no matter what?
Yes, no matter the happy one, or the sad one. 'Cause i hate liars.
46. Could you cry right now?
47. Do you know if anyone likes you?
Not sure?
48. Do you miss anyone now?
49. Do you hope you can be someone else better than being yourself?
No sure?
50. Is money important or happiness?
51. If your parents disagree on your marriage. What will you do?
Marry secretly?
52. Given a chance to go out with the one you love. where would it be?
Anywhere, get to see him. I happy already.
53. What if you are given a wish. what would it be?
Be with him forever, :/
54. One word to describe. The person you love .
Can dont one word? Cause i need alot of words to describe him. :D

Alright, here's a quiz i got from friend's blog. Short post, going off to audi now. Byeeee.

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