
S h a n y S a y s, 14.
Wsss, 2G.
❒Single ✔Taken ❒Waiting.
I've got a attitude,which people can't take it.

- I'm not an expert at relationships, i dont know how to handle every fight we're going to have, and i will never be a perfect person. We're both still young, and we still have a lot more to learn. But i'm willing to take chances, to risk it all, and learn everything there is to know just so i can keep us together, I wont give up on you. I PROMISE. <:
Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, October 1, 2010

- Love is like playing the piano. First you must learn to play by the rules, and then you must forget the rules and play from your heart.

Helloooooooooooooooo. I'm back again! Had fun nowadays. Cause of some reasons, cause.... I get a chance to disturb FISHBALL! Heheheheh. As promise to someone, i'm not gna disturb her anymore. If she touch one strand of my hair, she's so gna be dead! Today, woke up in the morning, slack on bed for awhile. Sms love & someone. Afterwards, wash up. Prepare to go schl. Met wanee & elya usual place. Off to schl, sign in. Toilet. Then straight to hall. Singsingsing, nagnagnag. Then went back to class. Chinese exam for today. Paper 1, written work. Difficult sia. Gna flunk my paper 1, i think. After that, had a short break, went down canteen to have a drink. Came back classroom for LC. LC like super easy only! :D Hahahaha, after LC. Met friend, go home together. On th way, was sms'ing love & someone. Love still in school while i'm sms'ing him! Hahahaha. Went GreenridgeShoppingCentre to buy something. Didn't saw her eh! Hope she's not working anymore! :D Hahahaha. Finish buying, bid'goodbye to my friend. Went home straight. Seeee, i so guai. Go home after school. First time sia. Didn't manage to slack with doris today. I'm lazy to go out nowadays! D: Alright, gonna rush this post! Love say i slow! D:
Hate die him! FAKEEEEE. Gna end here uh. :D ZAIJIANNNNNNNN~

Loveeeeeee! 我爱你 ! ;mua.

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